Willing to believe in Jesus!

For a number of years during the 1920s, following the close of the World War it was my privilege to preach in the famous old Tent Evangel in New York City for a limited period every summer.

This was a series of meetings carried on under the direction of Dr. George W. McPherson, backed by a committee of Christian business-men, designed to give the people of Manhattan a nightly gospel service during the hot months, when many of the churches were closed.

It was a cheering sight to see 1500 to 2000, or even more, gathered night after night under the canvas top, listening to the gospel of the grace of God as proclaimed by well-known evangelists and outstanding pastors from all parts of the English-speaking world.
Of these I was one of the least.

It was through the efforts of a group of Christians, who were deeply interested in preaching the gospel in the city of New York, that I was first invited to come over from California for a month's meetings, after which I was asked to go year after year.

One could tell of many who came to know the Lord Jesus Christ in those days.
But of these one man stands out in my memory as a clear-cut testimony to how the power of the Word of God can speak to a person's heart and conscience, and reveal the glories of Christ as the Son of God, through whose merits salvation is offered to sinful human beings.

I had just come down from the platform at the close of the meeting one evening, when a man came forward and in a rather nervous, jerky manner exclaimed,
"I would give a lot to believe what you have preached tonight. I know you folks get a lot of comfort and peace out of it, that I know nothing of.
But I cannot take it in. I am an agnostic. I am not sure whether or not God exists. But I will say this:
If you could prove to me that Jesus Christ is the Son of God I would trust Him as my Saviour and give my life to Him. I admire the character of Jesus immensely, but I cannot accept that He is God. What proof have you that He is more than man? that He is the divine Son of God?"

"Are you really serious about this?" I inquired. "Do you promise faithfully to follow Him if convinced He is the Son of God?"

"Yes. I am not afraid to make that promise. But how can you prove any such thing?"