Pastor Grace welcomes You to Warm Your Heart, right here Today!

1 - Look UP

Psalms 37
1. Do not fret because of evildoers,
Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
2. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
And wither as the green herb.

According to the dictionary, an evildoer is someone who sins without repenting.
That attitude is dangerous because it shows that such a person has no healthy fear of God in their heart. The book of Proverbs says that to fear God is the beginning of wisdom.

What does it mean to fear God?
In part, it means to understand that you are accountable to Him both now during your lifetime and at the end of your earthly life.
To fear God means that you understand that God is examining your life and observing your lifestyle, to see whether you have made any room for Him or His precepts in your list of priorities.

Sometimes when we are at a vulnerable place in our lives, the apparent ease with which evildoers seem to get away with sin can cause us to become fretful. This is particularly the case if we are on the receiving end of the results of their actions.

What fretting should wake us up to, is that our focus is in the wrong place, or rather, on the wrong person. The Lord has told us that our focus ought to be on Him. In another Psalm, David talks about lifting his eyes UP, because his help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 121)

When we begin fretting it's because our eyes have stopped looking towards the Lord for His help and our attention has become earth-bound.

Father, forgive me if my attention has shifted from looking UP to You.
Today I desire that You will re-focus my vision on You so that I do not get caught up in fretting about the troublesome people around me.
I understand that my help comes from You and only from You, so I look to You,
in Jesus' name,

See you tomorrow,
God willing,   so we can continue getting wise together!
Meanwhile, have a great day walking with the Lord!